God, this stuff gets old. State Rep says something wildly offensive on every level. State Party says it deplores comments but Rep doesn't back down them, no matter how inane. Rinse. Lather. Repeat.
CHARLOTTE, NC (WBTV) -One day after long-time state Senator Bob Rucho made a controversial comment on Twitter comparing Obamacare to Nazis, Rucho says he is not backing down.
Rucho is defending his comment, despite a call to apologize from leaders within his own party.
Rucho wrote in a tweet Sunday afternoon: Justice Robert's pen & Obamacare has done more damage to the USA then the swords of the Nazis,Soviets & terrorists combined.
....Rucho represents Mecklenburg County and has been vocal about challenging North Carolina's implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Rucho is a conservative Republican whose main platforms are tax reform and fiscal policy.
"It's important for people to understand we have a huge problem ahead of us," said Rucho talking about Obamacare. He says his main concerns are millions of people who he says will lose health insurance or pay more for coverage.
He said "it's every bit as bad as fighting wars, cost-wise, to each of us."