December 16, 2013

A self-described libertarian radio host on Monday defended Fox News host Megyn Kelly's assertion that Santa Claus was white, saying he was going to "scream and complain because Martin Luther King is always portrayed as black."

In a clip obtained by BuzzFeed's Andrew Kaczynski, Herman Cain radio show guest host Neal Boortz speaks to a caller who called to complain that Kelly had been criticized after she recently said that both Santa and Jesus Christ were white men.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Santa Claus is white!" Boortz exclaims. "Okay? Deal with it!"

"Everything has got to be black now, it doesn't matter what it is," the caller laments.

"You know, I'm going to scream and complain because Martin Luther King is always portrayed as black," Boortz quips. "It just ain't right."

Boortz goes on to predict that he was going to "chase away" about 100,000 of Herman Cain's listeners before the show was over.

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