A convoy or procession travelling to a wedding in southern Yemen, was attacked by US drones local and international media reported. At least 10 and possibly up to 17 people were reportedly killed.
Airstrike In Yemen Worst Attack In Over A Year | Common Dreams
Credit: Flickr
December 20, 2013

Via http://2012indyinfo.com:

Published on Friday, December 13, 2013 by Bureau of Investigative Journalism

Airstrike in Yemen Worst Attack in over a Year

Either a mistake or a direct hit, outrage in Yemen spreads after wedding party hit by suspected US drone

- Jack Serle

Drones reportedly attacked a convoy of vehicles en route to a wedding in southern Yemen. (Senior Airman Jack Sanders/US Air Force).A reported US drone attack in Yemen yesterday is the bloodiest air strike reported in the country so far this year.

A convoy or procession travelling to a wedding in southern Yemen, was attacked by US drones local and internat...

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