Shakesville: For Sarah Palin, Thursday night’s debate was an open-book exam. She spent much of the evening methodically reading and rehearsing answers. And what the hell was that in her ear?
OpEdNews: Palin hates native Alaskans, black folks, too
TalkLeft: McNasty abandons his promise to run a respectful campaign
They gave us a republic: Expect to hear a lot more stories like this
Bob Geiger: The Saturday Cartoons
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: Newspapers happy to advertise 'Terror' DVD...Child O'Reilly remarkably similar to the old one...J-School prof at Palin's alma mater says candidate is wrong about 'ethics'...Right-wing bloggers leave their stain on the campaign...Republican shill comes to, notices that wingnuts are vicious...Conservative newspaper endorses a Democrat for the first time since 1936...Hate speech rises in the media...Missing the forest for the Acorn...Cable 'News'...Drudge's Influence...Fox sends Cease and Desist over McCain ad...Usual suspects hammer NYT...Fox 'News' spikes story on conservatives questioning Palin heft...FOX seems to attract creeps..