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Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden appeared on Countdown last night for the post-debate wrap up and while remaining gracious to Republican rival John McCain (a characteristic that doesn't appear to be shared on the other side of the aisle. Funny, that), pointed out all of McCain's bluster and bravado is merely to cover up for the fact that he has an indefensible position of sharing the failed George W. Bush policies for the economy and foreign policy.
This is a very difficult ground, in fairness to John, it's really difficult to defend the terrain that he occupies. The terrain he occupies is he's bought on the economic philosophy of George W. Bush and the sort of you know free market, let it run its way, let it be on its own, and now all of the sudden he's talking about greed on Wall Street. The same way with his foreign policy. He went in and thought this was know, he thought we were going to be over in a short time, that we were going to be greeted and so on and so forth. John's judgment - here's the point - John's judgment has been fundamentally wrong on the basic, critical, foreign policy and domestic decisions we've had to make.
It could have been more concise, but what it comes down to is McCain is Bush's third term. And no one wants to see that repeated.