Angry Bear: Chris Dodd, having played along with the "this is urgent" call has now presented the "if this is so urgent, show us what it's really worth
September 22, 2008

Angry Bear: Chris Dodd, having played along with the "this is urgent" call has now presented the "if this is so urgent, show us what it's really worth to you" card.

OurFuture: Behind the financial debacle: Conservative Misrule. Vote No Bailout!

Legal Schnauzer: Proof that Siegelman was wrongly convicted

The Gist: Hypocrisy Bombshell! Antigay John McCain has a gay chief of staff

Booman Tribune: Rush Limbaugh is still a lying sack of sh*t

Grist: John McCain's environmental record is as bad as climate change denier James Inhofe
So he just lies about it.

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