This time O'Reilly releases his flunkie on Pulitzer Prize-winning editor of the Atlanta-Journal Constitution Cynthia Tucker. Ms. Tucker's crime? Criticizing Bill O'Reilly for having a double standard when it comes to the teen pregnancies of Jamie Lynn Spears and Bristol Palin.
Download (h/t Bill W.)
O’Reilly guy: “Cynthia, in your column, were you comparing Bristol Palin to Jamie Lynn Spears?”
Cynthia: “In my column, I was criticizing Bill O”Reilly. And I stand by that.”
O’Reilly guy: “Bill pointed out that Jamie Lynn Spears was running around unsupervised. You know that. So you were saying that Bristol Palin was running around unsupervised.”
Cynthia: “If I said that, read that part. You’re holding the column (in your hand). Read where I said Bristol Palin was running around unsupervised.”
O’Reilly guy: “You inferred it.”
Cynthia: “I inferred O’Reilly is a hypocrite. And I stand by that. Good day, gentlemen. I’m going inside to finish my Saturday chores.”
Transcript via Kos, who writes:
Does O'Reilly really want to maintain that the difference between Jamie Lynn and Bristol is that the Spears daughter was "running around unsupervised"? Because if O'Reilly insists that Bristol, to the contrary, was supervised, then how exactly did she get knocked up? It would follow that ... yeah. Gross. And somehow, I really, really doubt that's what happened.
Bill O'Reilly is the ultimate coward. Not only is he incapable of admitting he's wrong when called on it, he sends his minions out to harass these people at their homes. How petty can this guy be?
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