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Republicans ought to thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster for Fox News Sunday. Where else could you get away with this laughingly lame deflection? When Obama Campaign Manager David Axelrod reminded viewers in an earlier segment that McCain's "reformer" claims are at odds with the people with whom he chooses to staff his campaign--a whole bunch of connected lobbyists, led by uber-lobbyist (allegedly retired) Rick Davis, Davis dismisses the charge by saying that the Obama campaign has nothing left but to chase after "ghosts of the past."
The past, you say? Oh really? Only if you consider "the past" to be just a few weeks ago.
Transcript below the fold
WALLACE: Well, as a matter of personal privilege, I'm going to give you the opportunity to respond to David Axelrod, who said, you know, for all the talk about wait ‘till we come in and shake up the lobbyists that the campaign team of McCain is filled with lobbyists, or in your case, former lobbyists. Hopw do you respond?
DAVIS: Oh, I think that you know, this is just more of the same from David Axelrod. I mean, they've been running against ghosts of the past all along. And I think it just shows that they don't really have anything to talk about. If they want run against Rick Davis or our campaign staff, let ‘em. I think it's hilarious! It's a wonderful distraction from the real issues that we're trying to debate. It's a classic example of a campaign that doesn't have anything else to say so they pick on staff.