ABC investigative journalist Brian Ross digs into the Troopergate story and comes to one obvious conclusion: Palin clearly lied about her involvement.
The editorial board of the biggest newspaper in Alaska wants Sarah to stop stalling:
Gov. Sarah Palin is taking the wrong approach to Troopergate. She should be practicing the open and transparent, ethical and accountable government she promised when running for governor and boasts about now that she's on the national stage.
Instead, Gov. Palin has begun stonewalling the Legislature's attempt to get the bottom of allegations that she, her family or staff violated ethical or state personnel rules.
As a result, the Troopergate allegations hang over Palin's future and cloud her candidacy for vice president.
I've always been of the mind that, if you have nothing to hide, why not be entirely transparent and upfront with investigators? There is too much at stake here for Palin (and indeed the Republican party) for her to play this wrong.
Then again, the way she and her lawyers have acted up until this point signal that she has a good reason to stonewall. It'll be interesting to see how this shakes out.