Talk about hypocrites. The Republicans carefully orchestrated this media buzz about Palin and now are playing the hurt feminists who are just standing up for Sarah.
Republican women leaders Wednesday leapt to the defense of under fire vice-presidential pick Sarah Palin, saying she had been the victim of unfair and sexist attacks.
They charged that Palin, a 44-year-old mother of five named as Senator John McCain's wildcard running mate, faced the same dilemma as ex-first lady Hillary Clinton in her failed bid to become Democratic presidential candidate.
Palin even attacked Hillary via Ben Smith:
"She does herself a disservice to even mention it, really," Palin said. "When I hear a statement like that coming from a woman candidate with any kind of perceived whine about that excess criticism, or maybe a sharper microscope put on her, I think, 'Man, that doesn't do us any good, women in politics, or women in general, trying to progress this country,'" Palin said. "I don't think it bodes well for her.
I haven't seen anyone on TV call Palin a bi*&ch or anything close to it. What a bunch of phonies.
Nicole: 'Because we know there was zero sexism coming from the right during the primary season, right? There was nary a peep on FOXNews about Hillary losing male votes because her voice was shrill, or that her tears were just a political stunt, while male candidates of both parties getting choked up was just a sign of their passion, right?'
Cavuto joined in too: Neil Cavuto on Hillary’s “kind of bitchy image” And of course this one: John McCain supporter on Hillary: “How do we beat the Bitch?”
There are tons more to choose from. And now the McCain camp says there is no sexism going on either. See the kabuki dance? Looking at Palin's record is sooo sexist to them. I wonder if the media will turn on McCain since they love him so dearly for pushing this garbage, but I have no faith and they will back down to the McCain camp in the end as when one side says there is no sexism and the other side does. The Internet can be a place where craziness does happens, but it's not coming from the liberal blogs and that's a very different thing. And where were the Republican ladies when all the Obama smears appeared in the Internets as well---that the right wingers were all too happy to see?