Thanks to John Cole for the comedy gold of yesterday. The folks at Red State noticed that convention-going Democrats didn't walk around waving their cheap flags on sticks all the time like good
nationalist zealots Republicans do. So they set out to find all those tens of thousands of flags that had been evident in pictures of the hall but not upon the persons of Democratic attendees having lunch, shopping at the mall or going to the restroom.
Did they ask the convention organizers where the flags had gone - maybe for re-use at Invesco Field last night where there were also tens of thousands of the little beauties in evidence? No. Did they look under seats where they might have been stashed for safekeeping? No. Did they... you know, this one seemed a no-brainer for any intrepid investigator to me ... did they ask the delegates and attendees themselves? No.
They followed their own inner voices, like Bush looking for WMD in the wilderness, and headed straight for the trash.
There they found - ZOMG! - a dozen or less of those abused tens of thousands of flags, all broken and stuff from wildly being waved, in an entire dumpster of trashbags. Which must surely prove that Obama hate America. Or something.
And Obama would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those pesky kids!
Meanwhile, on the other side of the uppitty zealot patriot fence, the GOP knows how to wave a flag with style.
This is the concept for their convention hall:
Yes, that's a massive video screen. I can't figure out whether they want to show Obama how to stage a real Reichstag Nuremberg Rally (ok, but you got the gist) or intentionally wanted a look reminiscent of the Norsefire Party out of V for Vendetta.