Bob Schieffer interviewed three Democrats on Face The Nation this morning and all of them were able to cut through the GOP talking points with ease. Governors Ed Rendell, Kathleen Sebelius and Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. did a fantastic job of speaking the truths about John McCain, his elite, lavish lifestyle and how out of touch he is with average Americans.
Schieffer plays a clip of John McCain being interviewed by Katie Couric in which he once again, shamelessly exploits his POW experience to make excuses for why he doesn't know how many houses he has. Again. But luckily, the Democrats make quick work of him. This is what we need to see and hear every day from every Democratic politician and pundit -- driving home the message over and over again, that John McCain would carry on the same losing policies as George Bush and to elect him would be a disaster for our country.
Jackson: "...We don't want him in the White House. He says he has seven kitchen tables, we don't want to give him an eighth kitchen table.We understand he has a wonderful life, this is a great country, but millions of Americans at this hour are suffering through a housing market that is collapsed. Housing foreclosures. So when John McCain gets up in the morning and leaves his house to lock his door, he has to shuffle through a number of keys to figure out which key works in which door, in which home he's at at any given time."
Rendell: "What concerns me more than not exactly knowing how many homes he has, Bob, and Jesse's right, it shows he's out of touch, but when he said in January that Americans have done well under the George Bush economy, he's so out of touch. Hardly any American except people who make five, six hundred thousand dollars plus have done well under this economy. Wages are down, everything else is up, Americans - middle class, working Americans are getting slaughtered under this economy. How could he have said that?"
Sebelius: "And he wants to continue those policies. I think that's the most terrifying thing, he thinks we have done well and he thinks more of the same will do even better. That's what we have to let Americans know across this country. He- his top financial advisor talked about the fact that it's a mental recession, and we have a nation of whiners. I'd like him to come to towns across Kansas and Pennsylvania and Illinois and see what's really happening in communities."