August 21, 2008

Someone had to say it.

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"I think they are going to it way too many times. It's the original story that defined John McCain, that still when you read it in his book 'Faith of my Fathers,' when you read about it in 'The Nightingale's Song,' you can't help but have admiration and respect for the guy. And I think he wisely for many years stayed away from it as a political tool, he really did. But now it not only defines him, it's become a crutch in the campaign. And I think he is in danger of trivializing it. By the time they get to the convention in St. Paul, there might not be much of it left to use."

This is just another sad chapter in the tragic descent of John McCain. Sure McCain has used his powerful biography to help him throughout his political career, but I highly doubt he's comfortable with the depths he's now forced to sink to in order to compete for the presidency. Again....tragic.

Brandon Friedman at VetVoice has more...

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