The McCain camp is whining today and attacking NBC and Andrea Mitchell because she had the nerve to make an accurate observation about Rick Warren's forum. Andrea Mitchell said this Meet the Press:
The Obama people must feel that he didn’t do quite as well as they might have wanted to in that context, because that–what they’re putting out privately is that McCain may not have been in the cone of silence and may have had some ability to overhear what the questions were to Obama.
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This is completely accurate, but McCain's camp is acting like they are part of the Nation of Whiners:
"The level of objectivity at NBC News has fallen so low that reporters are now giving voice to unsubstantiated, partisan claims in order to undercut John McCain," Davis fumed. "Mitchell did what has become a pattern for her of simply repeating Obama campaign talking points."
During the televised forum broadcast from Saddleback Church in Orange County, Calif., Warren told viewers that McCain would be in a "cone of silence" during the questioning of Obama. Davis confirmed that "McCain was in a motorcade to the event and then held in a green room with no broadcast feed."
Via FOX News---Rick Warren is back pedaling since McCain is obviously his pick for president:
Meanwhile, Warren told FOX News Radio that the allegations that McCain heard Obama's questions ahead of time were "total bogus."
"Cone of silence is a silly term I used from Maxwell Smart," Warren said. "We had him a green room in a totally different building. Somebody said there was a monitor in that room, yeah, but it was disconnected at the source. If he'd tried to turn it on, all he'd have gotten was fuzz, because it wasn't even connected. So the Secret Service picked him up, brought him straight to that room, put him in that building. Somebody is systematically calling up all the media the media and trying to create, I don't know, I guess they didn't like the format or whatever.
So now it's a silly term that he pulled from "Maxwell Smart!" Is he kidding me? This is unbelievable. Why would he mislead the American public like that? I believe McCain was not even in the green room for the first 30inutes of Obama's time. It looks like Warren got caught and has to cover up for Rick Davis and McCain. Nice job, Rick.