Typical Bill O'Reilly. Just because Obama hasn't gone on his show yet---he feels it's OK to have a smear book written about Barack. There are plenty of them out there about Bush, proclaims Bill. He names McClellan's book as a smear book. Scott, aren't you glad you hung out with O'Reilly?
Download (h/t Heather)
Bill's rationale is that voters don't know him very well so Corsi type books are good. Memo to Bill, Obama has not hidden himself to America voters, just your audience. He's been campaigning for almost two years now and had a vigorous primary challenge from Hillary that included numerous debates which drew record cable crowds. Something that FOX missed out on and is furious over. Eric Boehlert explains about that here.
Check out MM's look at Corsi's book:
In its preface, Jerome Corsi compares his new book, The Obama Nation, to his 2004 book Unfit for Command. The comparison seems apt: Just as Unfit for Command contains false attacks on Sen. John Kerry's military service, a Media Matters review finds that The Obama Nation similarly contains numerous falsehoods about Sen. Barack Obama.