August 11, 2008


Next week, John McCain will attend the fundraiser for his campaign, which is being hosted by a close ally of Jack Abramoff, Ralph Reed:

“John McCain believes in a strong national defense, a smaller, more accountable government, steady economic growth and opportunity, the dignity of life and traditional values,” wrote Reed, whose 2006 campaign for lieutenant governor sank under the weight of evidence detailing his relationship with Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff — much of it uncovered by McCain’s Indian Affairs Committee. Read on...

The CREW article goes on to mention the damning e-mail correspondence between Reed and Abramoff and wonders if John McCain should reconsider being associated with Reed, (pictured above, center with Jack Abramoff and imprisoned ex-Rep. Bob Ney) who was knee deep in the Abramoff scandal and is a shining example of Republican corruption during the Bush years.

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