August 1, 2008

PFAW's Right Wing Watch:

For two hours earlier this week, pastors gathered at more than 200 sites throughout California, Arizona, and Florida to be exhorted by national Religious Right leaders like Tony Perkins, Harry Jackson, Maggie Gallagher, and Chuck Colson and others to hold nothing back in their efforts to fight against marriage equality. The People For the American Way Foundation today released a memo [PDF] chronicling the call and outlining the Right's plans for the weeks ahead:

The primary focus of the call was Proposition 8 in California, described by Colson as "the Armageddon of the culture war." Many speakers invoked the language of warfare, raising up an army of believers, putting soldiers in the streets, being on the front lines of a battle. Lou Engle actually described a massive rally planned in Qualcomm stadium on November 1 as a "blitzkrieg moment."The primary focus of the call was Proposition 8 in California, described by Colson as "the Armageddon of the culture war." Many speakers invoked the language of warfare, raising up an army of believers, putting soldiers in the streets, being on the front lines of a battle. Lou Engle actually described a massive rally planned in Qualcomm stadium on November 1 as a "blitzkrieg moment."

The collective paranoia of the Religious Right is downright scary; everything is a jihad for them. Tom DeLay, that poster child for the Religious Right's grasp on ethics and walking in His shoes (/snark), who went on the radio earlier this month and said that God created America to propagate Christianity. Add to this the fringe movement to convince the Religious Right that Obama is, in fact, the Anti-Christ and you have the makings of one hell of an election season.

If only the FSM would touch them with his noodly appendage and get them to chill out.

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