If that isn't a perfect microcosm of the muddied thinking of a neo-conservative, I don't know what is. It's the conservatives that suffer from bad p.r., that's all. It has nothing to do with the fact that their policies have been proven to either not work or just be monumentally bad for most of the country...they're so secure that their belief system is right that the only problem is they just don't have a good branding. Call it "chocolate" and immediately 65-70% of the people would want to be them.
PBS host of Think Tank Ben Wattenberg makes the very serious misjudgment of appearing on The Daily Show to push his book, Fighting Words, with his vague talking points that just don't hold up to Jon Stewart's logic, and the only thing he can say to Stewart is "be serious now." Dude, you're on Comedy Central and it's clear who the only clown on that stage was.