I know Obama is into reaching across the political aisle, but I doubt this is what he had in mind. That's just a guess.The unlikely pair appear tog
July 28, 2008

I know Obama is into reaching across the political aisle, but I doubt this is what he had in mind.

That's just a guess.The unlikely pair appear together on a button under Obama's signature campaign banner: "Change We Can Believe In."

But that kind of change is too much for anyone to believe in. Even if the conservative Idaho senator were running again, rest assured, Obama would not be lending his name to that reelection effort, or his face on an Obama-Craig button.

Suffice it to say, the button was a mistake. The button maker, Tigereye Design in Ohio, got the wrong Larry. The face they meant to put on the button was that of Idaho Senate Democratic candidate Larry LaRocco.

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