Orcinus: Now seems like a good time to revisit this post. It's an appendix of what journalist David Neiwert calls "a selection of eliminationist rhetoric documented at this site since 2003." Hart Williams has much more...
Norbizness: Despite a mind numbing list of GOP domestic and foreign policy blunders, to say nothing of rampant BUSHCO corruption and lawbreaking, polls show 40% of the electorate would be happy with more of the same.
Ezra Klein: The press likes to make policy disputes sound incredibly complicated. Much too complicated for mortals to understand, or base electoral behavior on.
Daily Kos: There's no denying the extraordinary power of the traditional media in driving a narrative.
Firedoglake: No longer content to start wars and shoot people in the face, Dick Cheney is set to out-diva Mariah Carey.
Justice Watch: The week ahead...