Johnny Griffin dies and the Saxophone Gods weep. We lost another Jazz Legend. He just smoked. Please support every great Jazz Master that you can.
July 26, 2008

Johnny Griffin dies and the Saxophone Gods weep. We lost another Jazz Legend. He just smoked. Please support every great Jazz Master that you can. Going to a live show in a small club is simply heaven.

NY Times:

Johnny Griffin, a tenor saxophonist from Chicago whose speed, control and harmonic acuity made him one of the most talented American jazz musicians of his generation yet who spent most of his career in Europe, died Friday at his home in Availles-Limouzine, a village in France. He was 80 and had lived there for 24 years...

Mr. Griffin's modest height earned him the nickname the Little Giant; his speed in bebop improvising marked him as the Fastest Gun in the West; a group he led with his fellow saxophonist Eddie (Lockjaw) Davis was informally called the Tough Tenor band, a designation that was eventually applied to a whole school of hard-bop tenor on

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