BillO's peeps sandbag Rep. Wexler. Nice going Bill. Not everyone can handle it like Bill Moyers.
Download (h/t Bill W)
BillO's act of sandbagging people with a camera crew who he disagrees with where they live is unseemly. He's such a frustrated man that he has to harass them with the Jesse Watters type idiots if they won't appear on his show. I think it's about time a group of people count up all of these BillO stakeouts and then camp out at his house, cameras in hand and stay there while O'Reilly comes home and jump out of the bushes and ask him about Andrea Mackris and Shawn Hornbeck until he gives up this farce. Let's see how you like it, Bill.
He really has crossed the line.
Here's my complete guide for all those that might have occasion to combat this jackass:
The Complete Guide on How to Deal with Bill O’Reilly’s ambush producers