Lindsey Graham is a very slick and smarmy operator. I wanted to scream at the TV and ask him if that with over 4000 troops killed---thousands with serious injuries and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi people dead and still suffering, how could he possibly act so smug and say it was all worth it to get rid of Saddam? The cost of this insane war against a country that did not attack us is unfathomable to me and nothing these warmongering apologists can say will ever change the truth of the situation. Al qaeda wasn't there and these are a people that would never let Iran control their country.
Download (h/t Heather)
BLITZER: ... Senator McCain was, in his words, basically a cheerleader for the war. And he sees that as the biggest blunder in U.S. foreign policy since the Cold War.
GRAHAM: Yes, all I can tell you is that a world with Saddam Hussein is not a better world.
In the Obama world, Saddam Hussein would still be in power. And you know how the U.N. oil-for-food program was working. I'm glad Saddam Hussein's out of power. I'm glad he's dead. And I'm glad we have a chance to create, in the heart of the Arab world, a Democratic government, where Sunni, Kurds, and Shias can live in peace, reject Iran, and deliver decisive blow against al Qaeda.
BLITZER: So, knowing what you know right now, Senator Graham, and knowing what Senator McCain knows right now, even though there were no WMDs, even though there were no links between Saddam Hussein...
GRAHAM: Absolutely.
BLITZER: ... and al Qaeda or 9/11, you still think it was a good idea to go to war?
GRAHAM: Yes, absolutely. I am glad that the Saddam Hussein regime is over. I'm glad a democracy's beginning to emerge in the heart of the Arab world. We screwed this up 100 ways off the fall of Baghdad. The surge saved Iraq from chaos. Senator Obama said no to the surge. He said it would fail. He was wrong.
We're on the verge of winning. And when he comes back from Iraq, I wish he would acknowledge two things, that the surge worked, and we're going to win.
(h/t Silent Patriot for setting up the post)