July 12, 2008

How unpatriotic is Sean Hannity? He joins in with McCain's major economic dude, Phil Gramm and believes we are a nation of Whiners.

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Hannity: But in all seriously here, we haven't had a recession---there is an economic slow down. I share your concern. Everybody I talk to is furious at 4.50 a gallon for gasoline, especially when they know we have more resources than the middle east, but I want to know. I want to ask you this. I've met people that grew up in tyranny. I knew people that grew up in the former Soviet Union for fear of speaking out against their government. Never had an opportunity to pursue their dreams...In this country, maybe we do, is there some truth to the fact, maybe we do whine too much. Maybe we don't to appreciate this gift we have of freedom. Maybe we don't take advantage of, maybe too many of us look to the government to solve every problem we have, Health care etc...

Gingrich: Sean, I have the deepest affection for you..that is the least Ronald Reagan like quote I've heard from you in your entire career.

WTF is he talking about? My God, Newt rebukes him in the the worst possible way for a Hannity type robot. Calling him the anti-Reagan. I guess when you make over five million dollars a year like Hannity does, no worries about health care for his family, paying for gas and the high cost of food really isn't a big deal to him and many rich conservatives. You know the new term is "economic slow down." We're not struggling, there's just a little bump in the road so suck it up people!@

Heather says:

Gingrich tells Hannity that government should listen to citizens when they're complaining, and admits the truth when he says that "If your customer comes in and complains to you it is not good to say to the customer quit whining because then they get to go to a new store". That "new store" is the Democratic Party and he knows it. Of course that was qualified later with remarks that small business without the aid of government and the private sector is the answer to all of our problems instead of government holding those people back with I would guess their nasty regulations on business so they don't kill all of us while making a profit which of course all Republicans hate.

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