John McCain hosted an event in Wisconsin today where he touted his support for women’s rights.
This is just madness. If we look at this record — the one women can “count on” — we see the exact opposite of what McCain vowed.
Adam Jentleson explained, “In April, McCain opposed a major Senate bill seeking equal pay for women…. In 2000, McCain opposed an amendment that aimed to ‘provide more effective remedies to victims of discrimination in the payment of wages on the basis of sex.’ In 1985, McCain voted against a study to investigate pay differences among federal employees, and determine whether they were the result of discrimination.”
Indeed, after the ridiculous Supreme Court ruling in Ledbetter, McCain “dismissed the importance of equal pay, saying that women simply need ‘education and training.’”
In other words, McCain was campaigning today on women’s issues, hoping desperately that voters don’t know anything about his record of women’s issues. Once again, McCain is counting on public ignorance to get him through the campaign.