Iran is bad, 'mkay? They are really, really bad. They are the axis of evil, 'mkay? We can't talk to them because they're bad, 'mkay? Condi says we'll defend our allies against Iran, 'mkay?
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We've seen this play out in the press over and over again. He's flanked by all his William the Bloody Kristol flunkies as well. BillO says GE are terrorist lovers too, but guess what? Under BushCo's careful eye, our exports to Iran have increased tremendously. Hmmm... makes you scratch your head, doesn't it? Sure, a couple of hundred million dollars isn't a tremendous amount of money, but why the huge increase from from 8.3 million on 2001 to 146 million in 2007? If Bush really believed as he speaks why not decrease the amount of goods being sold? And anybody shocked that Iran is testing missiles?
There has been little love lost between the Bush administration and Iran's hardline government. But even so, U.S. exports to Iran are booming.
Let's go to CNN's State Department correspondent Zain Verjee -- Zain?
ZAIN VERJEE, CNN STATE DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENT: Suzanne, the State Department just announced new restrictions against Iranian individuals and companies accusing them of trying to help Iran develop nuclear weapons, but some American businesses are dealing with Iran.
VERJEE: The Bush administration is trying to squeeze Iran's economy. At the same time U.S. businesses are boosting trade with Iran. According to U.S. government data, over the past seven years, exports to Iran exploded, from $8.3 million in 2001 to $146 million in 2007.