Barack Obama's campaign has released a new ad firing back at the inaccurate attack ads on his energy propsals coming from the McCain campaign. Obama's ad lays out the truth about the Bush/McCain energy policies that wouldn't produce a drop of oil for seven years and would cause even more pain to our economy, continue to break the backs of hard working Americans and of course, maintain the huge tax giveaways for big oil. The campaign also released this statement prior to the ad:
"What we need to solve our energy crisis is an honest debate about the choices before us, not more attack ads that mislead voters about the facts. There's a real choice in this election between John McCain's promise to continue the Bush approach of trying to drill our way out of our energy crisis - which even he admits won't lower prices this summer - or Barack Obama's plan to provide meaningful short-term relief for our families and to make a historic investment in alternative energy development that will create millions of new jobs, keep the cost of energy affordable and secure our energy independence once and for all," said Obama spokesman Hari Sevugan.