I had a chance to power cycle through the first season of the TNT's "The Closer" over the last few days and I really enjoyed it. It's not over the top
July 7, 2008

I had a chance to power cycle through the first season of the TNT's "The Closer" over the last few days and I really enjoyed it. It's not over the top fun like The Shield, but filled with intricate plots and a sizzling cast led by the great Kyra Sedgwick, who has down the Alex Baldwin ABC's of interrogation. Nobody gets confessions like she does. It's a series that might not make it on network TV, but since it's on cable---there's no ratings pressure to make it anything other then what it is: an excellent police drama that touches on all of LA's cultural intricacies intertwined with current events. The new season starts July 14th, so If you have a little time ---check it out.

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