Beggars Can Be Choosers: $10 billion Pentagon program fails to defeat IED threat in Iraq
Immigration Prof Blog: Business is fighting tough measures on immigration. Who didn't see this coming?
Ice Station Tango: If Karl Rove isn't in prison by then, he and John Edwards will have a debate at the University of Buffalo on on September 26.
The KC Blue Blog: Looks like the ol' Southern Strategy is alive and well in Missouri
Calculated Risk: More trouble in bank paradise
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: The Media brought me donuts...A sterling example of why Mr. Sheri Annis is such an important 4th Estate Lawn Jockey...ABC: Agent Backs Cheney...Fighting the shock-jocks...The Atlantic Monthly continues to decline...Journalism without journalists...The ubiquity of inanity...At Last! A good, issue-driven Health Care Story...And NPR did one, too!...Taken for a ride in Miami...Fox moves from eccentric to weird...This explains a lot...CBS aired a portion of Floyd Brown's attack ad, failed to report Obama is not a Muslim...