July 2, 2008

I know this has been out there for a few days, but I had to post it. Hannity is the ultimate tool of the GOP, but I can't remember ever seeing him flip flop on a topic faster. We all know that this North Korean nuke deal is suspect to say the least, but Hannity fawns all over it in his opening to the segment until wingnut hero John Bolton attacks it and Hannity...well...see for yourself.

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transcript via Think Progress:

HANNITY: The news today brings a clear foreign policy victory for the Bush administration. But will the press report it that way? Joining us now for analysis, former ambassador to the U.N. and a Fox News contributor, John Bolton. What do you think this means?

BOLTON: I think it's actually a clear victory for North Korea. They gain enormous political legitimacy...In return, we get precious little. I think this is North Korea demonstrating again that they can out-negotiate the U.S. without raising a sweat.

HANNITY: Boy I tell you they've done it time and time again, and I'm sorta perplexed, Mr. Ambassador, to understand why we keep going back to the well knowing that they haven't kept the agreements in the past. Whatever happened to Reagan's "trust but verify"?

OMG, is this hysterical. Yes, will the press credit Bush with a monumental victory?----to---how could he be such a fool? The only fool is Hannity. Who needs Comedy Central when we have Sean . Should we even mention that since North Korea is one of Bush's Axis of Evil; isn't negotiating with them unthinkable? It made me think of this scene from Chinatown:

Mrs. Mulwray: I'll tell you, I'll tell you the truth.
Jake: Good. What's her name?
Mrs. Mulwray: Katherine.
Jake: Katherine who?
Mrs. Mulwray: She's my daughter.
Jake: (He slaps her.) I said, 'I want the truth.'
Mrs. Mulwray: She's my sister. (He slaps her again.) She's my daughter. (Slap.) My sister, my daughter. (Slap. Slap.)
Jake: I said, 'I want the truth!' (He throws her against the sofa.)
Mrs. Mulwray: ...She's my sister and my daughter!...My father and I - understand? Or is it too tough for you?

And then there's this:

Rep. Silvestre Reyes , D-Texas, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said in a statement it was not clear to him why the administration would choose to lift sanctions on Kim Jong Il’s regime just weeks after publicly confirming North Korea’s assistance in developing a covert nuclear reactor in Syria — and while the press was reporting the regime may also have a covert uranium enrichment program.

The ranking Republican on Reyes’ panel, Peter Hoekstra of Michigan, had even harsher words for Bush.

“A decision seemingly has been made that it is more important for the White House to reach a legacy agreement than to get to the bottom of North Korea’s nuclear efforts,” he said in a statement. “The administration has repeatedly delayed briefing Congress on North Korean proliferation because it knows any deal reached would not likely survive the scrutiny of Congress. It has never sought to hold North Korea accountable for its nuclear weapons test, its known nuclear proliferation activities or its willingness to sell arms to any nation or group that can pay.”

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