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Neocon Bill Kristol made his usual appearance as part of the "Power Panel" on Fox News Sunday this morning and was surprisingly supportive of Hillary Clinton. In a rather tongue-in-cheek fashion, Bill decries the misogyny that he says plagued the Democratic primaries, and that Republicans are much more open to a strong woman:
"...I think Hillary Clinton was gracious. She's put behind her the horrible sexism and misogyny the Democratic primary voters demonstrated, which I'm appalled by personally, never would have happened in the Republican Party. You know, we're - Republicans are much more open to strong women, and that's why John McCain's going to put Sara Palin , the Governor of Alaska on the ticket."
How sweet of Bill to show such compassion for -- wait, wasn't it Bill who said this last February?
"Look the only people for Hillary Clinton are the Democratic establishment and white women… it would be crazy for the Democratic party to follow the establishment that’s led them to defeat year after year… White Women are a problem - but, you know… we all live with that…"
Yes, it sure was. Because we know there was zero sexism coming from the right during the primary season, right? There was nary a peep on FOXNews about Hillary losing male votes because her voice was shrill, or that her tears were just a political stunt, while male candidates of both parties getting choked up was just a sign of their passion, right? Save it, Bill. Even in jest, it just makes you look petty.