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I'm a big CSpan fan, don't get me wrong, but there are moments like this one from Washington Journal that chap my hide, because the nature of the program doesn't allow for anything but the uninterrupted and unchallenged spewing of unmitigated bovine excrement. Of course, that's the format that Hugh Hewitt works best in, and this is a prime example of Hewitt's fact-free hackery.
Caller: Good morning. Hugh, they used to carry your show here in Jacksonville, 50,000 watt station that the circumference of that station attract 2 million voters or 2 million listeners, I should say and they dropped you and Michael Medved the same day. And they...we refer to it down here as "hate radio" that station is just...they never attract over 2,000 listeners at one time at any given moment. They eventually put you on over time delay at night. And you had less than 200 listeners, according to ratings done in the paper. But you know, you right-wing radio people days are over with the average person. We're well aware of your hate-spewing you do against strictly Democrats, strictly Democrats. And it's all over but the crying. Read the polls. Read the polls, [croons] it's all over but the crying....good morning, Hugh.
Hewitt: Good morning to you. I do regret that they had a format change in Jacksonville and we lost our Jacksonville audience. You can still pick me up in Orlando, Tampa, Sarasota, Pensacola and 120 stations across the United States. They're all listed at And the good news for the people of the great city of New York is that we go up in New York in August. It's the 6th or 7th most listened to radio show in the United States. I'm glad that it's growing-not falling-and I think that in fact, center-right conversation of the sort I do, for example, eight consecutive weeks with EJ Dionne, the wonderful left-of-center liberal columnist for the Washington Post, about his book Sold Out, isn't hate talk at all. It's conversation about the most important issues. And in fact, the characterization of conservative talk radio as "hate talk" is always a giveaway that the left doesn't really want to engage in the issues, because if you talk about these issues, if you talk about the appeasement policies of Senator Barack, if you talk about the "don't drill" Democrats and their indifference to the cost of gasoline and the toll it's taking on middle-class America. Americans note this, it's a fundamentally center-right country, and I do not doubt for a moment a lot of the left wing wants to silence conservatives on the radio, they want to silence...they don't exist in network television, so they don't want them to go there. But it's not going to work, because I think ultimately the folks who listen and hear and are persuaded by a comprehensive, collegial, civil conversation as such that happens on conservative talk radio every single day want to keep it there.
Cowardly Lion say what? There are no conservatives on network television? It is to laugh. When you have Charlie Gibson near in tears over the unfair advantage of being a candidate that many people want to donate to in lieu of his man McCain and Brian Williams tossing softballs over Bush's reading list while ignoring that he ignored Katrina victims and all the networks refusing to admit complicity in light of Scott McClellan's revelations, are we really expected to believe the "liberal media" meme?
And let's talk about that wonderfully "civil" conservative (which is, by definition, not center-right, you genius) talk radio: You know, the kind where Ingraham berates a caller, Sussman tells a caller to prove he's not a Muslim by saying "Allah is a whore.", advocating death for the editor of the NY Times, or calling for riots at conventions. And that just took 15 seconds of site searching. Yeah, you guys are incredibly civil.