The same publisher that distributed the 2004 best-seller that took aim at John Kerry’s Vietnam service is planning a summer release of what’s scheduled to be the first critical book on Barack Obama.
Conservative journalist David Freddoso’s “The Case Against Barack Obama” will offer “a comprehensive, factual look at Obama,” according to Regnery Publishing president and publisher Marjory Ross.
But the book’s subtitle makes clear its perspective: “The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media’s Favorite Candidate.”
Ross contends that the mainstream media has offered insufficient scrutiny of Obama and likens the goal of Freddoso’s book to that of “Unfit for Command,” the scathing assessment of Kerry’s war record that rocketed to No. 1 on The New York Times best-seller list.
Although wingnut welfare will likely propel this screed to the top of the NYT best-seller list, I'm not very concerned that it will be as damaging as Unfit for Command was to John Kerry. Barack Obama has proven time after time that he won't fall victim to these kinds of slimy attacks, and you can be sure his rapid-reponse team will be all over this from the get-go.