June 26, 2008

Never Make Your Move Too Soon from the album of the same name (h/t miss kitty)

More Ernestine Anderson here, here and here.


Jazz vocalist Ernestine Anderson, who once worked with Quincy Jones and Ray Charles, is facing foreclosure on her home in Seattle after falling behind more than $30,000 in payments and penalties, public records show.

Family and friends of the singer are pleading for $45,000 in donations to save her Central District home, reports the Associated Press.

James Kelly, president of the Urban League of Seattle, said counselors will try to find out how Anderson got a loan that now asks for a monthly payment of $5,000. Gayton said Anderson's monthly income is $1,000 from Social Security, and at her age of 79, her performances are limited

Ms. Anderson has only until June 30 to come up with a payment or lose her home. An account has been set up at Bank of America. Donations can be made at any branch to The Ernestine Anderson Fund.

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