Beggars Can Be Choosers: Americans support Bush's impeachment more than they ever supported Clinton's.
American Street: At least 14 GOP members of congress have refused to endorse or publicly support John McCain for the president, and more than a dozen others declined to answer whether they back the Arizona senator.
Matthew Yglesias: Furman and Social Security
War and Piece: Under investigation by the Justice Department, former U.S. Rep. Curt Weldon has transferred all of his campaign money to a fund he established for his legal defense
washington independent: The corporate media finally notices the Permanent-Iraq-Bases story. More media malfeasance below...
ANNALS OF JOURNALISM: FOX refers to Michelle Obama as Barack's "baby mama"...A WaPo liar, a WaPo hack, and a WaPo dumbass...Watch Bill Moyers address the National Conference for Media Reform and listen to the panels...Fox & Friends repeating yet another false news story...Right-Wing Radio's last stand?...Censoring political ads...A witch-hunt for newsroom liberals...Russert Watch...The press can't hear dogwhistles...Boycott of O'Reilly