This morning on Late Edition, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), and Kay Bailey Hutchinson (R-TX) debate the issue of taxes, and Republican presumptive presidential nominee John McCain's attacks on Barack Obama's tax platform. Hutchinson's feckless attempts to promote the status quo are quickly drowned out, as DiFi lays out the reality of the disaster the Bush/McCain tax policies have created for our economy.
McCain says Obama would spend more money on social programs which he claims would hurt our economy, but Feinstein quickly debunks that notion and points out that he has supported the President's Iraq debacle, which has not been paid for and has been wholly funded off budget -- and has lead to a bloated national deficit and skyrocketing interest on that debt that has to be paid for somehow.
Feinstein:"...So I think, in terms of tax policy, this constant cut, cut, cut, no matter what the debt, no matter what the deficit, just puts this nation in jeopardy in terms of its future."
There was a strange moment at the end of the segment where DiFi and Hutchinson give each other one of those terrorist fist jabs. (pictured above, right) Now, I'm all for ending the partisan bickering in Washington D.C., but this was a rather odd moment. WTF?