June 6, 2008


June 6 (Bloomberg) -- Former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who was forced from his job amid a controversy over the firings of federal prosecutors, has been hired to provide assistance to a special master on a patent case.

Gonzales will help former U.S. District Judge Layn R. Phillips oversee settlement talks in the case of a Texas company which claims banks such as Wells Fargo & Co., Citigroup Inc.'s Citibank and Bank of America Corp. are violating its patents for taking and transmitting digital images of checks.

The judge overseeing the case, U.S. District Judge David Folsom in Marshall, Texas, ``has no objection to Mr. Gonzales's assistance in this case, and believes he can provide valuable assistance to the Special Master,'' Phillips wrote in the order. Read on...

Times are tough, with the recession, mortgage foreclosure crisis and rising unemployment, but it appears former Attorney General, Alberto Gonzales has finally landed on his feet. Well, if you're trying to find evidence of illegal activity, why not hire someone who has experience in breaking the law? Right? More from TPM...

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