The disparity in media coverage between Rev. Jeremiah Wright and John McCain's multiple pastor scandals has been widely documented. McCain's Media has done a splendid job of running cover for their candidate while hammering away at Obama -- but according to Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski, that's all hogwash and how DARE anyone suggest otherwise?
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During this morning's show, while talking about Senator Obama's decision to resign from his church, they read a viewer's e-mail complaining of MSNBC's obsession with his church while barely giving lip service to McCain's pastor problems. Mika was none too happy with the viewer's astute observations and shot back with one of the biggest, bald faced lies I've heard in quite some time:
"Okay, umm...first of all, I think we covered the Hagee story as much, umm...the Reverend Wright situation injected itself into the news cycle for sure, but having said that, don't you think that there is a difference or is there not, especially given the fact that he resigned from his church."
To say that MSNBC and Morning Joe covered the Pastor Hagee story as much as the Rev Wright story is laughable and an outright lie. Joe Scarborough ran wall to wall with with the Wright story for weeks on end, constantly chastising Senator Obama and obsessed over the church and the issue of race -- usually only stopping for headlines and weather in between. Mika was right in the middle of all this coverage, she should know better than to say something so ignorant and easily debunked. Contact MSNBC and demand a retraction.
Update: I thought it only fair to MSNBC that I acknowledge Keith Olbermann's extensive coverage of not only John Hagee, but McCain's other controversial religious endorsements as well as his pandering to the likes of Rev Jerry Falwell.