Zoom: Pictures paint a thousand words. Yet they can also be misleading. Errol Morris dons his detective hat to dissect one of the most infamous photos out of Abu Ghraib. What he finds is shocking, horrifying and the opposite of what we were led to believe.
Raw Story: Discussion of Prescott Bush and his Nazi ties reaches The View. (What's next? Gore Vidal stops by to debate Elizabeth Hasselbeck? C'mon, you'd so Tivo that.) And veteran reporter Robert Parry also weighs in on Grandpa Gestapo.
Norman Solomon: "Our own mourning should help us understand and strive to prevent the unspeakable pain of others." Not new, but a beautiful and important essay written after the passing of his mother. Which reminds me of this quote.
News Corpse: While Barack Obama is serious about anti-trust laws, Mark Howard warns of the dangers of taking on the media conglomerates. Especially while you're running for president (paging Dr. Dean).
FAIR: In the Washington Post article, "McCain's Hamas smear [is] equated with Obama accurately noting that McCain was one of the Keating Five."
Guest roundup by Brad Jacobson of MediaBloodhound. And hey, don't miss "It's Time for Chris Matthews to Play Hardball Every Day" over at MBH. See you tomorrow, truth alarmists! Until then, email those submissions and tips to mediabloodhound at yahoo dot com.