It's my yearly push for some extra funds from C&Lers. Here's what's going on so far: We have a new homepage designed and ready to go. I also will be adding a few new web sites and bloggers that will be joining C&L. We are working hard on maximizing our servers and expanding their capabilities for some very nice features that you'll see rolled out hopefully very soon. We're looking to make C&L more interactive and more comprehensive.
I have over 11,500 video clips on my servers now, which is insane to me. When I first started trying to put clips online it was uncharted territory, but now it's become an Internet standard. :-) I also would like to throw a few bucks to the kind people that work so hard behind the please help if you can. I will be posting about this all week, so anything you can do would be much appreciated.
Snail Mail checks to:
POBOX 66310
Los Angeles, CA 90066
You can also buy C&L hats, t-shirts and coffee mugs if you click here.