The McCain campaign's greenwashing efforts are getting hit from all sides and could actually provide a unifying factor across the political spectrum: everyone finds it absurd. As per EarthFirst, Finally, Something the Righties and Lefties All Agree On: McCain Needs to Stop this Environment Crap.
While those concerned about seeing that nation (and global community) rise up to address the challenges of Global Warming with enough seriousness are concerned over the inadequacies of McCain's proposals and find the concept of "eco-friendly items" at the McCain campaign store utterly absurd (for fund, see the comments section here), the (uber) conservatives are outraged that McCain is taking a step toward the reality-based policy world. Let's take Rush Limbaugh, for example:
"The troubling thing here, Senator McCain, is I'm mapping out plans here to try to persuade Republicans to eventually cross over to vote for you and this is not making it any easier," conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh said on his May 12 show. "At some point Republicans are going to have to decide whether to cross the aisle and vote for McCain. Clearly, he's rolling the dice in thinking that the ‘green' community and the independents and the yutes out there will buy into this global warming business and think he's different than the average conservative Republican and that will stand him in good stead."
Note that Limbaugh is stating that voting for the Republican nominee for President will be, in his definition, a "cross-over" vote. To vote for McCain would be "cross the aisle". For me, this shows yet another way that Limbaugh is disconnected from reality, as if McCain has not be a highly loyal Republican through the years, despite his media stardom as (the myth of) the Great Maverick.
By Nicole Belle
— May 16, 2008