May 8, 2008


Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington appeared on The Colbert Report to promote her latest book, The Right is Wrong and speak to the particular metamorphosis of John McCain’s candidacy.

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Colbert: So (McCain) changed his opinions from 2000 to 2008. People do that.

Huffington: He has not changed his opinions. He has replaced his mind with George Bush’s mind. I wouldn’t be surprised if right now, he’s somewhere at the Texas ranch, clearing brush, like George Bush.

Colbert: Perhaps he knows that that’s what he has to do to get elected. He was ”The Maverick” in 2000; that did not get him elected. But if he toes the party line in 2008, maybe that…he’s just doing what he needs to do to get elected. What’s so wrong with that?

Huffington: You mean selling his soul in order to get elected?

Huffington: He was a real reformer. And now, he’s basically completely surrendered on everything. He wants us all to stay in Iraq of course indefinitely. And here’s the one little problem: that he has this kind of passion for Iraq. [..] Because he has this passion for Iraq, that’s his Viagra.

Colbert: He has…I guess the warning on that should be, if your erection last more than a hundred years, pull out.

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