May 6, 2008

I've posted John McCain's many visits on The Daily Show on C&L. Some have been heated exchanges and others have been nothing more than spots to soften up McCain's persona to the TDS audience. I understand that they always won't be heated exchanges, but as John Cusack asked on C&L, does TDS really need to put them on? Stewart is an excellent interviewer, who knows the issues and I would hope that he takes the path of asking really tough questions of McCain since nobody in the media will. That's a sad fact indeed, but true. We're coming down to the home stretch. Remember, they need Stewart. He doesn't need them to do his show.

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The Daily Show on McCain: The Sweet Talk Express

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Jon certainly has brought up all McCain's flip flops of positions and highlighted the Hagee endorsement so he knows the issues at stake. Will he be the tough guy who challenges McCain or the nice guy who wants to have a good time? I think America needs the tough guy on Wednesday and I think he will be that guy too...

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