John Amato: Rush Limbaugh has been screaming at the top of his lungs on his radio show---trying to be relevant in the heated Democratic primary for weeks now. He's trying to fool the media into thinking that his "Operation Chaos" nonsense is having an influence on the outcome of the latest string of primaries by telling his dittoheads to go out, switch parties and vote to skewer the election results and prolong the race. He's only killing time and playing games with his audience as we've just seen. Silent Patriot has some of the results via MSNBC.
The numbers are in and they confirm what has been obvious for, oh, 30 years now: Rush Limbaugh is an egotistical buffoon who, in fact, has no influence on anything but the opinions of his few gullible dittohead listeners.
The way it's looking now, Republicans, who account for 11% of the entire Indiana electorate, have voted for Hillary by the same margin that the entire state has. Stick to ruining your own party, Rush. Lord knows you've done a fantastic job at that. (take the AOL Poll below the fold)
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