[media id=5208] [media id=5209] Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy's son Peter took the bronze on Monday's Worst Person in the World segment on Cou
May 5, 2008

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Fox & Friends host Steve Doocy's son Peter took the bronze on Monday's Worst Person in the World segment on Countdown for his pathetic hit job on Senator Barack Obama during a live shot from his school.

William "The Bloody" Kristol won the silver for accusing Senators Obama and Clinton for not condemning MoveOn's General Betrayus ad, when in fact, they both signed on to the Senate amendment condemning the ad.

Bigoted pill popper, Rush Limbaugh, took top honors for his insulting and racist remarks made on FOXNews, in which he accused Bill Clinton of hitting on his date, and referred to Los Angels Mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa as the Shoeshine Boy, or a Secret Service Agent. Said Olbermann of Doocy Jr:

"Wow, I wonder which emotion impacts dad more at this moment? Pride that at twenty years old, the boy is already a completely replaceable cog in the vast Rupert Murdoch media manipulation machine, or buyer's remorse when he gets the bill for college and realizes the kid's mind has already been nailed shut."

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