We sure can use the help. There are many issues to talk to Howard Dean about since it was the first time he went on FOX in almost two years, but Chris was really interested in trying to protect John McCain from the DNC's political ads and of course, Rev. Wright. It's fine to raise the issues, but he used most of his time on those two subjects alone. Well, I can look forward now to the same due diligence from FOX News Sunday and Chris Wallace to make sure the RNC ads are vetted by him as well. And I agree with Nicole's points too...
Wouldn’t it have been better if Dean when he decided to go ahead and appear on FOX had been tougher and said something to the effect of “the Republicans have done such a poor job of managing this country that their party is falling apart, and we wanted to go to the one network that we know caters to conservatives and try to get some truth on this network, so that the voters understand that conservative politics–such as FOX News advocates constantly–are not in their best interest. So I’ll give FOX a chance to show that ‘fair and balanced’ is more than a catchy phrase to fool their viewers.”?
Heck, Chris Wallace should fact check Freedom Watch's ads while he's at it. as Bluegal wrote: Speaking of which, Freedom’s Watch got their 3rd deceptive ad pulled from the air yesterday in MS-01. This is the second one pulled this week.
And FOX, CNN and MSNBC have aprroved the DNC ad.
And Congratulations to Don Cazayoux too!