Once in a while, American politics will get so detached from reality, one wonders if news articles are part of an elaborate practical joke, meant to drive the reality-based community batty.
Take, for example, John McCain’s assertion yesterday that he cares more about the needs of poor people than Barack Obama.
The GOP nominee-in-waiting rapped his Democratic rival for opposing his idea to suspend the tax on fuel during the summer, a proposal that McCain believes will particularly help low-income people who usually have older cars that guzzle more gas.
“I noticed again today that Sen. Obama repeated his opposition to giving low-income Americans a tax break, a little bit of relief so they can travel a little further and a little longer, and maybe have a little bit of money left over to enjoy some other things in their lives,” McCain said. “Obviously Sen. Obama does not understand that this would be a nice thing for Americans, and the special interests should not be dictating this policy.”
Just 10 days ago, John McCain admitted, on national television, that his idea for a “gas-tax holiday” wouldn’t really make any difference, but the policy “might” give Americans “a little psychological boost.” I guess he's changed his mind?
For that matter, isn't McCain the guy who, just last year, voted for the abolishment of a federal minimum wage standard?
And yet, he feels entirely comfortable lecturing the former inner-city community organizer on what low-income families really need.