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Counting down the scandals...
First up is an update on the Liberty 7 "terror" trial. Remember these guys? They were a bunch of paintballers in Florida who the government said threatened to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago. Well, surprise, surprise, after two trials, we have not one conviction but a second hung jury, with one of the jurors weighing in on a third trial:
"They are wasting time and money…unless they change the evidence or approach they might get another hung jury."
But never fear, waste is nothing in the pursuit of the "War on Terror," as U.S. Assistant Attorney Richard Gregorie says that the Feds will seek a third trial.
And then we have the story Steve brought you yesterday, that is Evidence #2,846 that the country wants us as dumbed down as possible and doesn't mind if kids get pregnant to do that. At the news (which is not new--just a confirmation of what we've known for decades) that the studies show abstinence-only sex education program the federal government has been pouring money into is not working. But don't tell that to Rep. John Duncan (R-TN), who found trusting a scientific study by academics with those high-falutin' degrees "elitist."
And finally, the sad story recounted by Dana Milbank at the Washington Post. When Lt. Col. Billy Hall lost his life in Iraq, his grieving family gave permission for the media to cover his funeral at Arlington Cemetary. But the Pentagon had other ideas and cordoned off the media so that they could get no usable audio and only a few, distant photos with yellow ropes blocking the face of his loved ones.
Whatever this war does and does not mean to the history of this country nothing could have more greatly impacted the family of Lt. Col. Billy Hall. And if his story, and the story of other American heroes are kept from the American public, it is not the doing of the American media that somehow dishonors the troops. The blame lies clearly and completely at the foot of the Bush administration. IT does not want our heroes honored. It wants itself honored. And all else — Lt. Col. Hall, his family and their wishes – they can all, Mr. Bush is saying, go to hell.