April 17, 2008

John and Nicole have been all over ABC for their horrendous job moderating the debate between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. It's time to take the outrage directly to ABC.

Live in the Los Angeles area? Come join the Courage Campaign in front of the ABC/Disney studios in Burbank at 4 p.m. today.

Help us pass out flag pins to ABC/Disney employees leaving their Disney corporate office and ask whether they can pass their own flag-pin litmus test: "Are you patriotic enough to wear a flag-pin?" We need to know how many people are coming, so please RSVP here.

Meet us at ABC's Disney Studios in Burbank in front of the West Alameda Gate, between S. Buena Vista and Keystone Streets. We're going to protest ABC's debate disaster and pass out flag pins to their employees until about 7 p.m.

We've got the flag pins. Now, we just need you.

Can you help us out?

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