General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker's Iraq testimony before Congress this week was a hot topic and this morning on Face The Nation, host Bob Schieffer says he doesn't believe either party knows what will happen when we finally pull our troops out of Iraq:
"The administration believes there will be chaos if we leave Iraq, Democrats see chaos if we stay. The more I listen, the more I came to believe that neither side really knows what to do now, that we have reached a point where there are no longer any good answers. Whatever we do, there will be consequences."
Schieffer is correct in one sense; we don't know exactly how things will go when we finally pull out of Iraq. But, to say that "Democrats see chaos if we stay" is misleading and not entirely accurate -- we ALREADY see chaos in Iraq on a daily basis, and it's not just Democrats who recognize this. Our destructive occupation of Iraq, which is manifests itself now in large part to putting up concrete barriers to corral and divide the citizenry, is the destabilizing factor that keeps the country in a constant state of chaos.
As Think Progress notes, the average Iraqi doesn't know who the hell Petraeus and Crocker are. All they know is they want us to leave so they can move on with their lives and repair the damage we've done to their country. One thing we CAN say for sure is that things are moving backwards in Iraq. This week was the deadliest week for U.S. troops in 2008 and there is still no end in sight.